I’m the birthday girl tomorrow and these are the reasons why I love my life
1. My family. My best friends in the whole entire world are my dad, mom, and my two older sisters. They are the number one reason why I love my life so much. It’s never a dull moment with all of us together and every single one of them amazes me every day with their incredible kindness and love towards me. They support me with anything I choose to do in my life and most importantly, they believe in me. They are by far my biggest cheerleaders and push me to achieve every single goal that I set for myself. They are the strongest people I know and never ever have let anything get them down. My sisters and I all live in the city while my parents do not, but they still go out of their way to see us every single week (usually multiple times). I sometimes can’t comprehend the things that my parents will do and have already done for my sisters and me. They always say that they live to make the three of us happy. They have always put us first and they are the best role models anyone could ever ask for. I am so excited to start a family of my own in the future where I will be able to teach my children all of the amazing values and morals that my parents instilled upon us. My family has so much love to give and that’s all I could ever ask for.

2. My boyfriend. Throughout life you will meet one person who is unlike any other person in the whole entire world. This person is the one person you could talk to forever. They understand you in a way that no one else does or even could. This person is your soul mate, your best friend. When there is a moment in your life when you are with someone and you feel like the world has stopped and your life seems perfect, make sure you never lose that person. “I love you” means that I accept you for the person that you are, and that I do not wish to change you into someone else. It means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times. It means loving you when you're in a bad mood or too tired to do things I want to do. It means loving you when you're down, not just when you're fun to be with. I love you means that I know your deepest secrets and do not judge you for them, asking in return only that you do not judge me for mine. It means that I care enough to fight for what we have and that I love you enough not to let go. It means that these have been the best four years of my life with you and thank you for loving me for me.

3. My Friends. It is so nice to have people in your life who you can just have fun with. Every time we are all together it is a chance to create new memories. I have had some amazing times these past few years with my friends. With any emotion you are ever dealing with good or bad, a friend can help you. There are certain people I go to when I want to get advice, those who I go to gossip with, and those who I love to just go out with and have fun. Every single one of my friends is different and unique in their own way. I have had many different groups of friends throughout my life and will continue to because things are constantly changing. The friends who are long lasting will always make time for me and I will always make time for them. A friendship is whatever you make it. If you don’t see each other often you can easily lose touch but going out of your way to see each other makes a huge difference. Sometimes friendship is not about thinking its just about doing. If you have to think about going out of your way for a friend then are they really your best friend? I take all relationships extremely seriously including friendships. It does take me a while to trust someone and I may open up to a person right away but I still have some of my guard up because I know that there is a chance that the person in front of me will walk out of my life just as fast as they walked into it. But thank you to all of my friends who have been there for me. It is a great feeling knowing that there are people out there who can understand you as a person, and embrace everything about you.

4. No one decides my fate but me. If I "feel led" to change careers, or move to another state, or take up a time-consuming activity, no one's stopping me. My goals, dreams, and interests aren't secondary to someone else's. I am constantly starting new chapters in my life with every decision I make. I am 24 yet I can still be whatever I want to be, I can go anywhere I want, and I can experience anything that I know will make me happy. If I ever find myself in a situation where I am unhappy, I can change it. The sky is the limit with possibilities of what to do next.

5. I can choose how I want to spend my time. I'm very flexible to drop everything to be there for a friend or family member if they need me, or just want to do something spontaneously. I don’t have to focus on nurturing one relationship; I can give my time and attention to multiple people. I can make new friends. I can get involved in many different things. I can make time for anything that I want to. I will never ever miss out on something important that goes on in the life of someone who I care about. Friends and family come first always. I love that I live in a location where I can go shopping at hundreds of stores all less than one minute away. It’s dangerous to my bank account but you only live once!

6. I can be happy for other people. I get so much happiness when something good happens in my friend’s and family’s lives. Jealousy is nowhere to be found in my little pink world. If you mean something to me, I am your biggest fan. I will go out of my way to make you feel special for something positive that you had happen in your life. I am proud to have people in my life who have achieved their goals, have gotten promoted, are in happy relationships, made an exciting purchase, etc. Seeing people having positive things happen in their lives makes me want to work harder to achieve my own goals as well!

7. Volunteering. I decided that this would be the year that I start giving back. I am an incredibly lucky and fortunate girl who has been blessed with practically anything a girl could ever want and I do not take health, happiness, or love for granted. I have been on a waiting list for months to become a Volunteer at a hospital near me, and I finally have completed all of my interviews, health screenings, and background checks to officially work there! This is something that I have really wanted to do for a while and because I work full time, I’ll be able to work it around my schedule and volunteer at night. I’ll be working/volunteering almost 12 hour days but it will only be a few times a week and it will be such a rewarding experience that I don’t even care about the long days! It is very important to me to bring happiness to another person who is going through a hard time in their lives. I think everyone should volunteer at some point in their lives; you can make a difference in someone else’s life without even realizing it.

8. The color pink, lipgloss, glitter, cupcakes, & reality TV. Those are a few of my favorite things. I don’t care what anyone says; a life without pink, lipgloss, glitter, cupcakes & reality TV is a boring life! I can still be a hardworking, smart, and mature girl and still love all of those things. They literally bring a smile to my face. Thank you to Victoria’s Secret for creating the Pink clothing line, to Bonne-Bell for creating Cappuccino lipgloss, to Ke$ha for showing everyone that being immersed in glitter soothes the soul, to every single cupcake shop in the world for bringing me a little ball of heaven to eat during the week (and especially Molly’s cupcakes for having a sprinkle station, best idea ever!), and to MTV/Bravo/VH1 for filling my nights with lots of laughs and craziness. I am still trying to get on a reality show because I feel like that would complete my life. I wish everyone agreed with me but I realize that most people do not see things the same way as I do and I’m ok with that!

9. Dancing. I think dancing is the best way to express yourself. I danced on the Hip Hop Dance Team all through College. I love every single memory that I have from my four years at College. Dancing got me through a lot of difficult times and still does. Yes, I am that girl who will blast music and dance around my room when no one is there and absolutely will still do that with lots of people around. If you don’t have something where you can escape into your own world and forget about all of the stress in your life, you should take up dancing. Get your creative juices flowing! Try something you’ve never done before like sign up for a class at a nearby studio or get up on the bar one weekend and strut your stuff. I’m a fan of both and sometimes you just have to say what the hell!

10. I choose to be above the influence. Like I said in a past post, “many people who know me know that I do not drink ever and assume I do because I always have SO much fun when I go out on the weekends and I am always the first one on the dance floor. Dancing all night and having fun does not equal being a mess in a dress. Being sober is not a bad thing and its ok to not be drinking even if everyone is. I'm pretty sure we all learned how to say "no" way back in the day. There are so many things I do with my time instead of drinking. These are activities that are fun and require you to be sober. They also make for better stories than those drunken nights filled with useless drama. I value my amazing life and will continue living my life with the idea that you never know what tomorrow brings so why keep having those crazy drunk nights when you won't even remember them the next day?” My body feels so great without any alcohol in it! I’d much rather fill it with sugar J I bet you are thinking that sugar isn’t good for my body either but I can control myself and I fill my diet with lotssssss of healthy foods too!

There are some people who look at me or who know me and think that I live in a perfect world. I made my own happiness with the help of some very special people in my life. Life is not easy for anyone. It just comes down to the fact that I feel so lucky to be healthy and alive that I refuse to spend my life sad. Can I be sad some days and am I sad some days? Absolutely. There’s no rule that says I’m not allowed to have a bad day. What I’m saying is that I can’t take all the negatives from my life and dwell on them. I will do whatever it takes for me to live my life incredibly happy. On that note, even though it is my birthday tomorrow, I hope all of your wishes come true too!
Love & Pink,