You might be feeling a little sluggish from the long work week or just straight up lazy (I'm guilty of that sometimes). No matter the cause, there is an an easy fix for that belly of yours. These great ab exercises will target your lower abs, aka that stubborn stomach pooch that often gets ignored with standard crunches/ab workouts.
1. Double Leg Drops
Begin in a supine position and bring both legs into the air. Keep your feet together and lift your shoulders off the mat. Keeping your feet together, lower your legs down to a 45 degree angle and then squeeze your glutes back up into your starting position (not shown). For more of a challenge, take your legs as low as possible without letting your lower back arch. Everytime you lower and lift your legs, engage your core and squeeze every muscle in your body. This will give you the most results!
2. Swimming Feet
Begin in a supine position and bring both legs into the air. Lower your right leg down to 45 degrees and keep your left leg a couple inches higher. Place your hands behind the nape of your neck and lift your shoulders off the mat. To begin the “swimming” motion, bring your left leg down to 45 degrees and your right leg a couple inches higher. Keep simultaneously switching each leg’s position so that you are creating a scissor kicking motion. You will feel this. Oh em gee, will you feel this.
On another note...if you want to experience a great workout you should consider joining Indigo Studio located in Chicago. Their classes are insane as in insanely good and even though you wake up having pain in multiple areas of your bod, it's so worth it! They have classes that cater to everyone! (That makes me miss Destiny's Child song: Cater to you) :)
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