Life According to Me

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Would you rather have a million dollars or a perfect body?

In our consumer culture, money is everything and everybody wants it; a lot of it. According to a recent poll (about 2 weeks ago), it looks like money may not be people's top priority anymore.

According to the newscasters on CNN, when people were asked whether they'd rather have a million dollars or a perfect body, over 20% of people chose the perfect body. Pretty crazy right?

To me, the answer seems obvious. It's all about the money. Even if you didn't have the perfect body, with all that money you could easily look up the best plastic surgeon in Hollywood and buy yourself a perfect bod, just ask Heidi Montag! Not to mention, you'd still have tons of money leftover. (Kidding, everybody is beautiful in their own special way and you shouldn't waste your time wishing you looked like someone else!)

Then again, it's crazy how obsessed our culture has become with achieving the perfect body. Every time you turn on the TV or open a magazine, there's an ad for some new weight loss pill or some new celebrity workout DVD. Most people do not look like that in real life people! Only a very small percentage do, so it's crazy to compare ourselves to them. I love the body I was given and at times do I wish it was a little easier to lose some weight, yes. Am I going to beat myself up over that and miss out on enjoying my life and living in the moment happy, no! 

So if a genie popped out of nowhere and offered you one or the other, which would you choose: one million bucks or the perfect body you've always wanted?

Love & Pink,

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