Life According to Me

Friday, June 17, 2011

Give me EvErYtHiNg

1. "She's anything but typical. She's so unpredictable. But even at her worst, she's not that bad."

2. "Love will turn your world completely upside down. There's the physical stuff - your cheeks getting hot, the flutters in your stomach. And then there's the mental madness - you feel like you're losing your mind because all you can think about is the way they smell, how good it feels when they put their arms around you, or the cute little dimple they get when they smile. When you're with them, there's no other place you'd rather be; when you're not, you can barely wait until you see them again. Love is a total high - better than eating chocolate, acing a test, or scoring the winning goal."

3. "You’re going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter."

4. "There are just certain things in life that are better off unknown, things you wish you never asked, never saw, never heard, and never felt.' 

5. "If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author & everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page."
6. "I make mistakes, & gain from them on my own. Experience is my best teacher. Always was, always will be."

Love & Pink,

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Would you rather have a million dollars or a perfect body?

In our consumer culture, money is everything and everybody wants it; a lot of it. According to a recent poll (about 2 weeks ago), it looks like money may not be people's top priority anymore.

According to the newscasters on CNN, when people were asked whether they'd rather have a million dollars or a perfect body, over 20% of people chose the perfect body. Pretty crazy right?

To me, the answer seems obvious. It's all about the money. Even if you didn't have the perfect body, with all that money you could easily look up the best plastic surgeon in Hollywood and buy yourself a perfect bod, just ask Heidi Montag! Not to mention, you'd still have tons of money leftover. (Kidding, everybody is beautiful in their own special way and you shouldn't waste your time wishing you looked like someone else!)

Then again, it's crazy how obsessed our culture has become with achieving the perfect body. Every time you turn on the TV or open a magazine, there's an ad for some new weight loss pill or some new celebrity workout DVD. Most people do not look like that in real life people! Only a very small percentage do, so it's crazy to compare ourselves to them. I love the body I was given and at times do I wish it was a little easier to lose some weight, yes. Am I going to beat myself up over that and miss out on enjoying my life and living in the moment happy, no! 

So if a genie popped out of nowhere and offered you one or the other, which would you choose: one million bucks or the perfect body you've always wanted?

Love & Pink,

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

3 Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem

Let’s face it: your quality of life is somewhat contingent on how you view yourself. Life seems rosier and more feasible when you believe you can face it head on; by that same token, when you lack confidence in yourself, otherwise simple tasks may seem insurmountable.

 However, feeling good about oneself is easier said than done. On any given day, an individual person may be exposed to at least 500 advertisements, many of which propound messages on how to be beautiful, successful, and likable in today’s society. While there’s little that can be done about the messages themselves, we can change how we choose to receive them and, more importantly, how we view ourselves. Try these three ideas to improve your self-esteem:

1. Take note of what you want and what you need — and act accordingly.

One of the most crippling aspects of low self-esteem is the negative belief system that goes along with it. Thoughts like, “I’m so unattractive,” or “I can’t do anything right.” You think you will not succeed, then you either don’t succeed or write off your success, and then you find your beliefs justified.

When you stop thinking about what you may or may not “deserve” and start thinking of what you want or need, then you start to see without these cognitive blinders. For instance, if you feel you do not deserve a raise at work for whatever reason, you are unlikely to obtain one. However, if you see situations objectively and recognize your hard work to see that you’ve earned it, your view can shift dramatically. When you stop placing value judgments and instead look at situations for what they are, you begin shedding these negative self-appraisals.
2. Create a positive environment.

When I feel poorly about or lack confidence in myself, I make an extra effort to look particularly nice. Fashion is important to all of us, so I am sure I am preaching to the choir when I say that dressing well offers an ego boost on the most difficult and trying of days.

There is more that goes into cultivating positive energy than just dressing well. Surrounding yourself with positive people is an important factor in feeling good. But other people aren’t the only thing that plays a hand; your thoughts and words also contribute to your environment. By being aware of negative perceptions and choosing to stop thinking them or adjust them accordingly, you help contribute to building a positive environment in which positive self-esteem can flourish.

3. Give yourself rewards, regardless of whether you “deserve” them or not.

I loved my time in college, but as a graduate two years later, I recognize that one of the worst “skills” I learned was how to reward myself. A new pair of shoes if I earned an A on a midterm or a muffin if I trudged through an insufferable textbook were both incentives I dangled in front of myself to keep going. This was all well and good when slogging through the tedious academic mire, but this rewards system can encourage unhealthy behavior when applied to other areas of life.

So why is this so bad? It’s because over time, using a rewards system suggests that you need to “deserve” nice things in order to have them. Or if you do let yourself have nice things, then you start feeling an inkling of guilt tickling in the back of your mind. What a terrible mindset to live in! The finer things in life should not always be the reward for hard work. Using a rewards system is an effective approach to monotonous tasks — and so long as you don’t overdo it. But if you still feel you need to “deserve” the things you want, then start rewarding yourself for things that really count instead of only accomplishments (i.e. being a good friend, having a good sense of humor, etc.).

Love & Pink,

Monday, June 13, 2011

Better Together

(Our new song) 

Lyrics to Better Together by Jason Mraz :
There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song I could sing
But I can try for your heart
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
Like a, shoebox of photographs
With sepiatone loving
Love is the answer,
At least for most of the questions in my heart
Like why are we here? and where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
Sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing its always better when we're together


MMM its always better when we're together
Look at the stars when we're together
Its always better when we're together
Yeah, its always better when we're together

And all of these moments

Just might find there way into my dreams tonight
But I know that theyll be gone
When the morning light sings
And brings new things
But tomorrow night you see
That theyll be gone too
Too many things I have to do
But if all of these dreams might find there way
Into my day to day scene
Ill be under the impression
I was somewhere in between
With only two
Just me and you
Not so many things we got to do
Or places we got to be
We'll Sit beneath the mango tree

Its always better when we're together

We're somewhere in between together
Its always better when we're together
Yeah, its always better when we're together

MMmmmm MMMmmmm Mmmmmm

I believe in memories
They look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when I wake up,
You look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time,
And there is no song I could sing
And there is no, combination of words I could say
But I will still tell you one thing
We're Better together
Love & Pink, 